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Nurture Emotional Intelligence in Children

18 November 2021, Thursday
8:30pm – 9:30pm Singapore Time
Cost: Complimentary

Emotional intelligence, believed by some to be more important that cognitive intelligence, is about being aware of, as well as being able to manage your own and others’ emotions. Emotions is often a complicated and abstract concept for children and many do not think it is possible to control their feelings, nor know how to manage them. 

Helping children develop strong emotional intelligence has many important benefits. Children who understand their emotions and have the skills to deal with them will be confident that they can handle challenges that come their way, contributing to stronger mental resilience. Children who can express their emotions in constructive ways and understand others’ emotions will enjoy more successful relationships, paving the way for future personal and professional success. 

Understanding how emotions arise in the brain, the link between thoughts and emotions, and learning how to manage self-talk are all useful tools to help your child better manage these unseen yet powerful internal forces. Join us at the webinar as we explore these important topics!    

Join us at this webinar to:

  • Understand how emotions arise in the brain 
  • Uncover the powerful connections between thoughts and feelings
  • Learn strategies to build stronger emotional intelligence in your child  

Featured Speaker

Ms Cheryl Chia, Founder and Director, BrainFit®

With more than 20 years’ experience in brain fitness training, Ms Cheryl Chia is an accomplished physiotherapist, who is also the founder of BrainFit, an entity that specialises in scientific brain fitness training. Cheryl holds a Master Degree in Physiotherapy Studies from the University of Queensland, Australia. She was awarded a full scholarship from KK Hospital, Singapore and was also the overall coordinator for paediatric neurology physiotherapy there. She has lectured in Nanyang Polytechnic and is a much sought-after speaker, including at events organised by MediaCorp, the Child Guidance Clinic, schools and international brain-based learning conferences. She is a frequent invited guest on Parenting Made Easy Radio 93.8, where she shares her expertise on brain fitness to help parents raise smarter and more resilient children. Cheryl is also an author and a mother to two young girls.